Ever feel like you’re stuck in an inescapable loop. That no matter what you do you’re trapped to repeat the same patterns over and over again? That you’re doomed to wake up to Sonny and Cher every day for the rest of your life? Well you’re not alone. And if you think you are it’s because you’ve not seen the subject of this month’s installment of How Have You Not Seen That?: Groundhog Day. Long before Bill Murray was a t-shirt he was a genuine movie star. And in 1993 he was at the height of his powers, somewhere between Ghostbusters and Space Jam. Teaming up with his good friend and fellow comedy genius Harold Ramis and the wonderful, also at the height of her powers Andie MacDowell they created one of the greatest comedies of the modern era. Of any era really. That may seem like an exaggeration even to those who love Groundhog Day but I’m not the only one to make such a bold claim. The film frequently graces many of the American Film Institute’s top lists as well as being selected for the National Film Registry in 2006. The film has a 96% fresh rating on Rotten Tomatoes and has been singled out as one of the Great American films by everyone from the Writer’s Guild of America to Stanley Fish. With a pedigree like that Groundhog Day should be on anyone’s must see list. In fact if you haven’t seen it by the time you’re out of high school I’d say you’re doing yourself a major disservice. So assuming you’ve advanced in life beyond senior year what possible excuse could you have for not having seen it? You don’t like Rom-coms? Groundhog Day isn’t a room-com it’s an existential meditation on life, death, despair, and joy. Not into those? Well that’s okay because Groundhog Day is a Rom-com. It’s a comedy chameleon with a humanity that resonates deeply with its audience. This is a film that gets better with each viewing and the way you enjoy it can be radically different from viewing to viewing depending on where you are at in your life at the time. This is a movie that spawned its own trope! And while being stuck in the same day over and over again might seem tired when you’re stuck watching made for TV movies on ABC Family you’ve got to be at least a little bit curious about the film that originated the concept. So do you ever feel like you’re stuck in an inescapable loop? That no matter what you do you’re trapped to repeat the same patterns over and over again? That you’re doomed to wake up to Sonny and Cher every day for the rest of your life? Well you’re not alone. And if you think you are it’s because you’ve not seen the subject of this month’s installment of How Have You Not Seen That?: Groundhog Day.