Geekdom Come

The long promised day has finally arrived and the Nerds have inherited the Earth. Movies, TV, Books, Comics, Tech you name it and it’s making it’s money off the legions of Fanboys(and girls) who show up to support it. So here is a whole section dedicated to Geeking out.

Again there will be four monthly feature appearing here on a rotating weekly basis. First under the heading of “Troping the Riff” I will deconstruct common tropes in film and literature and give examples of it being used well and not so well to advance a story. In “The Franchise” I will examine the big cross-platform fan followings and break apart what makes them so engaging to fans. Striping away what doesn’t work for what does. “World Building 101” will focus on what goes into creating these fantastical worlds that we get so lost in; examining one particular aspect at a time across multiple franchises to give you a thorough compare and contrast. And lastly in “Reference Humor” I examine how (and how often) one particular book/movie/tv show is referenced in other books/movies/tv shows. Breaking down just what you need to get in on all the jokes/allusions/homages.

In addition to these regular feature posts I will occasionally have a nerdgasm that must be immediately shared. Assume this is pretty much anytime Marvel or DC release a new movie trailer.

Check it out and let your nerd flag fly!

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